All Projects

Check out where some of CRED’s projects are located throughout the world! For the complete project list, see below.
Project Suite 1: Use of forecasts in water allocation
• South America – Brazil/Colombia climate/water field research
• Using climate information to guide water resource management in Chile
• Social context and decision architecture for water resource management in Southwest Burkina Faso
Project Suite 2: Agricultural planning in Southeastern South America (SESA)
• Agricultural decision making in Argentina
Project Suite 3: Interacting features of decision architecture (DA)
• Multiple goals in energy conservation
• Energy Challenge
• Tapestry project – Real time metering and resident behavior
• Saving energy: Personal biases in energy conservation
• Perceptions of energy consumption and savings
• Visualization of multi-disciplinary malaria data to improve policy decision making making
• Population density and cost thresholds for switching between anti-malaria interventions
• Group polarization and computer mediated communication
• fMRI and discounting of gains and losses
• Choice architecture & fuel efficiency
• Consumer responses to energy efficiency: Political ideology affects energy-efficiency attitudes and choices
• Public health and climate change framings of fossil fuel use reduction
• Heuristics and constructed beliefs in climate change perception: Effect of outdoor temperature, question construction and cognitive primes
• Social motivation
• Moral standards in decision making: Self-other bias in support of public policy
• Testing the scenario hypothesis: The effect of alternative characterizations of uncertainty on decision structuring
• Dish washing: Choosing pro-environmental vs. quick and easy behaviors
• Exploring linkages between ecosystem services, public health, and the green area factor in New York City, “UltraEx”
• Green and graying: Age differences in environmental decision making
• The effect of metric and scale on environmental decision-making
Project Suite 4: Investment, insurance, and spatio-temporal horizons in climate-related decisions
• Index Insurance
• Insuring climate catastrophes in Florida: An analysis of insurance pricing and capacity under various scenarios of climate change and adaptation measures
• Demand for multi-year insurance: Experimental evidence
• Why Chinese discount future financial and environmental gains but not losses more than Americans
• Spatial discounting
Project Suite 5: Uncertainty, time horizon, and social processes in climate change and preparedness for natural hazards
• Social dynamics in hazard preparedness: A multi-method investigation
• Description-experience gap pilots
• Lay perceptions of earthquake hazard information
• Wildfire/debris flow in Southern California
• Socially different climate change impacts and adaptation options in NYC
• Tradeoffs among economic, social, and environmental goals, with varying delay
• Incentives and cooperation
Project Suite 6: Asymmetry, uncertainty, and team decisions in multi-person games
• The role of subsidies in coordination games with interconnected risk
• Why do people care about the Sea Lion? A fishing game to test the value of endangered species
• Tipping in climate negotiations
• Cooperation and coordination by individuals in groups in a social dilemma
Project Suite 7: Group participation and creativity predicted by regulatory fit
• Group participation predicted by regulatory fit
• Regulatory focus and generosity
Project Suite 8: Social scale and response to climate change
• Participatory experiments in glacier communities
• Understanding global perceptions of global warming and climate change
Project Suite 9: Historical case study of social processes and decision architecture
• Decision making on the Great Plains