Understanding how behavior and participatory structures can improve the use of climate information Researchers: Alexander Pfaff (CoPI), Kenneth Broad (CoPI), Renzo Taddei (CoPI), Miguel Fonseca, María Alejandra Vélez, Daniel Osgood, Lisa Goddard, Valerie Mueller, Upmanu Lall This field project addresses conditions in the semi-arid Northeast Region of Brazil, to date with a focus upon Ceará… read more
A study of social context and decision architecture Researchers: Carla Roncoli (PI), Benjamin Orlove (PI), Brian Dowd-Uribe This case study centers on a watershed in one of the moister areas of a semi-arid West Africa country, the Upper Comoé River Basin in southwest Burkina Faso. In the region, a set of dams built several decades… read more
Participatory experiments in glacier communities Researchers: Ben Orlove (PI), Kerry Milch Two key issues in environmental decision-making are temporal discounting and tradeoff between economic and social goals. Individuals are relatively little concerned about climate change, because they see it as occurring in a distant future and as affecting unrelated others. The main focus of this… read more
Researchers: David H. Krantz (PI), Poonam Arora, Min Gong, Nicole Peterson Environmental decisions often emerge from groups or from individuals acting within a group, and they usually affect many stakeholders apart from the decision makers. Over the past few decades, the decision science community has learned much about individual choice, but little about group choice…. read more