Brad Swain

Brad Swain




Brad Swain received his B.S. in Economics from the University of Rhode Island where he conducted research on the adoption of economic indicators designed to measure sustainable development. He spent three years living and working in China and South America writing about economic and environmental issues. Brad recently completed the post baccalaureate program at Columbia University where he conducted research on moral psychology in The Higgins Lab and group decision-making at the Center for Research on Environmental Decisions.

He is currently a PhD student at The Leonard and Jayne Abess Center for Ecosystem Science and Policy at the University of Miami. His current research explores how social safety nets influence decision-making. This work will investigate the ways in which relief programs change people’s ability to make informed decisions as well as how safety nets can shift their perceptions of risk.

Brad Swain received his Masters Degree from the University of Miami’s Abess Center for Ecosystems Science and Policy in 2016.  His research at UM focused on how scarcity changes the way humans evaluate risk and uncertainty. He is now a researcher at the Common Cents Lab at Duke University. Brad’s work at Common Cents uses behavioral economics to help low and middle income families make better financial decisions.