Kiersten Jennings Chou - Page 6

CRED Grad Student Participates in Berlin Summer Institute
August 6, 2012Tags: 2012, Katherine Thompson, Max Planck Institute

CRED Doctoral Student Katherine Thompson Speaks at Hudson River Museum
May 20, 2012Tags: 2012, hazards, Hudson River Museum, Katherine Thompson, Presentations
CRED Managing Director Sabine Marx Presents Keynote at NOAA-NASA-NSF Climate Change Education Meeting
April 20, 2012Tags: 2012, keynote, NASA, NOAA, NSF, Presentations, Sabine Marx
CRED Co-Directors Speak at Hazard Event
April 16, 2012Tags: 2012, Ben Orlove, Elke Weber, outreach, Presentations, Upmanu Lall, Workshops
CRED Co-Director Elke Weber Convenes with IPCC Working Group 3 in New Zealand
March 23, 2012Tags: 2012, Elke Weber, IPCC
CRED Researchers Participate in 10th Annual Climate Prediction Applications Science Workshop
March 15, 2012Tags: 2012, Derek Willis, Presentations, Workshops
CRED Represented at AAG Annual Meeting 2012
February 28, 2012Tags: 2012, AAG, Conferences, Diana Reckien, Presentations, Seth Baum

CRED Co-Director Ben Orlove’s Voyage to Antarctica
February 28, 2012Tags: 2012, Antarctica, Ben Orlove

Future Earth: Research for Global Sustainability
February 23, 2012Tags: 2012, Diana Liverman, Future Earth