CRED at Human Impacts Institute 10/28
Sabine Marx, CRED Managing Director, will speak at the Human Impacts Institute Climate Salon on October 28th. More information and RSVP is below.
Human Impacts NYC: Collaborating for Climate Action
Tuesday, October 28th, 2014
6-9:30pm w/networking reception (RSVP required)
German House, 871 United Nations Plaza RSVP here>>
The Human Impacts Institute will be partnering with the German and Italian Consulates of New York for a night of conversation around collaboration and partnerships on climate change action. This Human Impacts Salon will be our seventh in a creative communication series in partnership with the Transatlantic Climate Bridge of the German Embassy, where we bring together unlikely allies doing great climate work with multimedia conversation and live performances from Bethany and Rufus, Nicholas Johnson, and James Hannaham.
- Panelists include:
Tracy Raczek, Climate Policy Specialist, UN Secretary General’s Climate Team;
Marquise Stillwell, Principal, Openbox;
Dr. Georg Maue, First Secretary of Climate and Energy, German Embassy to the U.S.;
Brian Merchant, Senior Editor and Writer, Motherboard at VICE Media, Inc;
Dr. Sabine Marx, Managing Director at the Center for Research on Environmental Decisions (CRED) at Columbia University; and
Giulio Busulini, Scientific Attache, Italian Embassy to the U.S.
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