Corine Pelluchon: Guest lecture on the ethics of vulnerability

An Ethics of Vulnerability: How Bioethics and Ecology Challenge Political Philosophy and Humanism

CRED and the Center for the Study of Science and Religion are pleased to announce a guest lecture provided by Corine Pelluchon on October 8th, 2013 at the Davis Auditorium, Columbia University. The lecture will take place from 6:00-7:30 PM and is free and open to the public.

Pelluchon will present a lecture exploring the ethics of vulnerability. She will focus on bioethics and ecology as a challenge for political liberalism, including the conditions of deliberation in the bioethical field, and justice towards animals. Pelluchon will also explore the genesis of the ethics of vulnerability to a phenomenology of nourishment.

Corine Pelluchon is Full Professor at the University of Franche-Comté ( Besançon, France). A specialist in the works of Leo Strauss and E. Levinas and in moral and political philosophy, she has devoted much of her research and teaching to issues of applied ethics such as medical and biomedical ethics, animal ethics, and environmental ethics. She has published several books and won the Prize François Furet for Leo Strauss : une autre raison, d’autres Lumières ( Vrin, 2005 ; forthcoming in English in March 2014, Suny Press : Leo Strauss And The Crisis of Rationalism) and the Prize Moron of the French Academy in 2012 for Eléments pour une éthique de la vulnérabilité. Les hommes, les animaux, la nature ( Le Cerf, 2011).  More information is available on her personal website:

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