Decision Making Under Uncertainty 2008

April 10, 2008
Decision Making Under Climate Uncertainty: Empirical Results
New York, NY
At this meeting held at Columbia University, NSF-funded groups discussed recent scientific research on climate change to better understand how decision makers make choices under uncertainty.

» Click to download any of the presentations from this meeting below:

Poonam Arora, Sabine Marx, Debika Shome, 2008: Synthesizing CRED Research to Improve Communication with Non-Academic Audiences.

David Budescu, Stephen Broomell, Han Hui Por, 2008: How Should We Communicate Uncertainty About Climate Change to the Public? A Study of the IPCC Report.

Patricia Gober, 2008: Decision Center or a Desert City: Selected Highlights.

Iris Grossmann, Granger Morgan, Jay Apt, Erwan Michel-Kerjan, Howard Kunreuther, Hadi Dowlatabadi, 2008: Perspectives on Atlantic Hurricane Risks.

David Hardisty, Kerry Milch, David Krantz, 2008: Discounting of Environmental Goods and Discounting in Social Contexts.

David Krantz, 2008: Decision Making Under Climate Uncertainty: Theoretical Issues and Empirical Results.

Robert Lempert, David Budescu, Klaus Keller, Debra Knopman, David Groves, Sandy Berry, 2008: Research Highlights: Rand DMUU Effort.

Robert Lempert, Myles Collins, 2008: Decision Making Under Uncertainty: Comparison of Robust, Optimum, and Precautionary Approaches.

Tim McDaniels, Granger Morgan, 2008: The Climate Decision Making Center: A Brief Update on Recent Activities.

Tim McDaniels, Granger Morgan, 2008: Easier but Insightful? Developing a Judgment-Based Approach for Selecting Robust Alternatives in Climate Change Adaptation.

Elizabeth Clark McNie, 2008: Linking Climate Science with Policy: Lessons from NOAA’s RISA Program.

Ryan Meyer, 2008: Mapping U.S. Climate Policy.

Elke Weber, 2008: Selected Research Highlights: CRED.